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Mutsu bus timetable 2009/8/27 17:48
I would be very grateful for following information:
1. about bus timetable from Mutsu to Osorezan and from Mutsu to Sai. If possible I would like to go to Osorezan and also to see Hotoke-ga-ura on the same day. (1,5 day also possible). I will leave Tokyo in the morning to walk along Oirase stream and will arrive to Shimokita at8:30p.m. I want to return to Tokyo on 10th - as sooner as better.
2. I need inexpensive accommodation in Shimokita or Mutsu. I can not find any in internet.
I will be happy if you could help me. I am going to Japan next week:)
by Wanda (guest)  

... 2009/8/28 09:01

The lower table.
下北駅 is Shimokita Station
バスターミナル refers to the Mutsu Bus Terminal
恐山 is Osorezan

Sai to Mutsu:
Mutsu to Sai

むつターミナル is Mutsu Bus Terminal
大間崎 is Omasaki (Cape Oma)
佐井 is Sai

The right hand side of the table is the continuation of the right hand side.

If possible I would like to go to Osorezan and also to see Hotoke-ga-ura on the same day.

I am not sure whether it is doable. You will have to study the bus timetables and make a plan. I highly recommend to rent a car, instead:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thank you Uji-san! 2009/8/28 16:35
Your information is very very useful for me. Thanks a lot. Could you recommend some inexpensive accommodation in Shimokita or Mutsu? I can not find information in English:(
by Wanda (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/8/29 00:56
Here is one with English online reservation options:
by Uji rate this post as useful

thanks 2009/9/1 15:43
Thank you Uji-san:)
by Wanda (guest) rate this post as useful

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