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Any temples in hokkaido? 2009/8/28 15:40
Hi, I'm wondering whether there is any temples in hakkaido? I have found some but are located at esashi townn and it is out of my way during my trip in hokkaido in december.
by jiandan (guest)  

temples 2009/8/28 19:10
Not really no. The Japanese did not really start living in Hokkaido until relatively recently, and the Ainu did not really have a culture of temple building (correct me if wrong Ainu experts). Therefore Hokkaido is actually the one part of Japan where you will struggle to find temples and shrines, certainly older ones. Hokkaido is for enjoying the great outdoors - see temples elsewhere.
by Top Tonkatsu rate this post as useful

Hokkaido Shrine 2009/8/28 21:46
If you are into shrines and temples, in Sapporo there is Hokkaido Shrine 北海道神宮 which can easily be reached by subway.

by William5 rate this post as useful

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