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train ticket from nagoya to tokyo? 2009/8/29 18:45
What is the cheapest train ticket (adult) from nagoya to tokyo? Or from osaka to tokyo? Is it true that it could cost over 100 euros?
by Snowflurry  

... 2009/8/30 01:04
Your options from Nagoya to Tokyo:

From Osaka to Tokyo:
by Uji rate this post as useful

true... 2009/9/2 07:32
Unfortunately so.
If you don't mind the travelling and extra time you can get there for around 50euro but this doesn't involve Shinkansen.
Nagoya - Toyohashi 56 mins
Toyohashi - Hamamatsu 33 mins
Hamamatsu - Okitsu 88 mins
Okitsu - Mishima 43 mins
Mishima - Atami 14 mins
Atami - Tokyo 104 mins

As you can see it's doable. 6000yen is the price this includes fare for all stages. 6hrs 38mins in total including transfers.

So again unless you don't mind trains and you don't get lost then yeah its possible for less than 100euro but for the hassle...i'd rather pay it :D

by eyesofvenus rate this post as useful

arigatou gozaimasu 2009/9/3 02:49
thank you so much for advices^^
by Snowflurry rate this post as useful

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