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I need help translating this 2009/9/5 12:48
I was looking back at some penpal letters I recieved in high school from Japanese students. In one of the letters, on the back, this penpal drew a flower and wrote this:


I know that he mentions a flower, blossoming?... But that's about it, lol.

Thanks for the help. =3
by Ash (guest)  

... 2009/9/5 19:28
It says: "Doryoku no bun dake hana ga saku," and literally "Flowers bloom as much as you make efforts."
"hana ga saku" literally means "flowers bloom/blossom," and another meaning is that you "succeed, become successful." So it means "Efforts will be rewarded with commensurate success," or "Success comes to those who make efforts" :)
by AK rate this post as useful

RE: I need help translating this 2009/9/7 02:26
- The more you endeavor, the more you succeed.
- The more efforts you make, the more flowers / fruits they bear.

努力 [doryoku] - effort.
花が咲く [hana ga saku] - flourish; succeed as a result of efforts.
: synonym 花実が咲く [hana-mi ga saku] - be honored; attain / bear good results.
花 [hana] - flower.
実 [mi] - fruit.

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

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