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How do I read this kanji? 2009/9/16 11:30
How do I read 木ヶ丘, and what does it mean? It comes from a song title, 真似木ヶ丘学園校歌... "imitation (something) campus/school song".

by Po (guest)  

menekigaoka 2009/9/16 14:51
木ヶ丘 = ki ga o ka
真似木ヶ丘 = ma ne ki ga o ka
I think the neme of 真似木 is came from 招き猫 (maneki-neko).
招き猫 is a famous cat character as divine messengers in Japan.
真似木 means "be like tree", but in this case, there's no meaning, I think.
It's just same sound as 招き.
ヶ丘 is popular for towns name. (like 藤ケ丘, 松ヶ丘 etc.)
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