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Hay Fever and Pollen Woes 2009/9/28 14:06
Hey everyone. I'm looking at a trip to the Tokyo area in the spring but I'm concerned about the hay fever season. I never used to have any problems but after years of living here in Atlanta, GA, I've recently started reacting to the spring pollen. Its so heavy that everything gets coated in a thick yellow layer of dust. I just wanted some insight into how bad it gets in Tokyo for the average person. Thanks!
by Uubu (guest)  

Hay fever 2009/9/28 14:16

I think I read somewhere that something like 30% of the population in the Tokyo area suffer from hay fever (mostly Japanese cedar pollen), so it can be pretty bad if you are a sufferer. If that is something you are allergic to, I would recommend trying to avoid February to late March.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

February to late May? 2009/9/28 20:23
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the peak for pollen allergy in Japan is supposed to be from February to late May.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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