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Appr costs during students exchange 2009/9/30 18:56
I was offered to go on students exchange to Nagoya for 4 months beginning from march 2010, this offer is tempting however it's hard to decide when I'm not sure about approxmate costs I should take into consideration as all information about e.g food prices I have found all over the nest are not up to date. So far I only now that I'll have to pay 65000 yens/month for dorm. I know it's quite hard to say how much money would be needed but I would be grateful for even very rough idea. I'm wondering if about another 60000 yens per month for food, transport etc would be enough.
Thanks in advance for all advices
by Laurana84  

65,000 yen???? 2009/10/1 17:54
Dorm in university for 65,000 yen per month? That`s ripping off! When I was exchange student in Nagoya University my dorm (Oumeikan, the newest one in Nagoya Uni) was 13,000 yen including electricity, gas and water bills. If your dorm costs you that much, isn`t it better to go for a separate apartment then? It would be something around 50,000 yen for a 1K room.

As for other expenses - 60, 00 yen is pretty enough if you cook food yourself and don`t go out too much.
by Mila (guest) rate this post as useful

Sorry 2009/10/1 17:55
Ups, sorry I meant 60,000 yen.....
by Mila (guest) rate this post as useful

about dorm 2009/10/2 00:59
I'm going to study at Nagoya Uni of Commerce and Business and yes I saw the approximate costs of dorm for Nagoya Uni students, I would be eager to find something cheaper but to be honest I'm afraid that I will stay with nothing, good solution would be to stay there for one month and then try to find something in better price but the thing is that all sum has to be payed in advance for all the time I would want to stay there.
by Laurana84 rate this post as useful

about dorm 2009/10/2 01:03
aww I forgot to add that actually that 'dorm' was a separate apartment and all the bills were included in that price
by Laurana84 rate this post as useful

important 2009/10/2 11:41
that was a pretty important piece of information you left out. 60,000 for an apartment including utilities is not bad.

internet will be 5000ish a month. your phone will be around 3000-7000. transport can be anywhere from 8000 to 20000 depending on your commute and how much you travel around. small train trips get expensive, buy a road bicycle or a scooter if you plan on making a lot of small trips that will eat away at your budget.

food 15000 to 30000 a month depending on what you like to eat. if you're a vegetarian 15000 is easy, if you need meat every day and you like to make awesome food or you're feeding two people, 30000 is more realistic. i generally pay 15000-20000 a month for myself and i eat a lot of chicken, almost no beef, lots of veges and go through spices quickly. shop at 100yen stores for vegetables, you'll save a lot of money.

60000yen sounds OK but try to cut costs where you can just in case. the easiest costs to cut are the phone and internet, followed by food. train costs can't really be escaped unless you buy a road bike or get a scooter (then you have to pay for parking)
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

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