
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Translation 2009/10/2 10:09
My vocabulary is somewhat limited and my online translator frequently messes things up.An example is this "楽しいですね。わくわくしますね " which when translated doesn't quite make sense. Can somebody give me a translation please.
by RodW  

... 2009/10/2 11:25
楽しいですね。= It's fun, isn't it.
わくわくしますね。= It's exciting, isn't it. (As in looking forward to something to happen)

If you are talking about something that you are looking forward to "in the future," the first sentence might be:
楽しみですね。= That's a good thing to look forward to.
by AK rate this post as useful

Thanks 2009/10/2 11:31
Yes that makes a lot more sense now.
by RodW rate this post as useful

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