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translation of two sentences 2009/10/7 19:26
hi, i'd like to know how could i translate two sentences from japanese. they come from a page of a manga in which people are playing football.
the first one is: 抜かれてんじゃねぇヒサシ!!(nukaretejanee hisashi!)
and then: お前もだろう!(omaemodarou!)
considering that they are playing,the first one could mean: ehi hisashi you don't have a miss!
but in that situation i can't understand what it could be the meaning of the second (it's also difficult to understand who is talking)...
Anybody could help me? thanks a lot!
by marco.F (guest)  

... 2009/10/8 12:30
Had someone just gotten by Hisashi?
If so, I think the first sentence means something like:
"Don't let them/him get past you, Hisashi!!" or
"Don't be letting them get by you, Hisashi!!"

I'm assuming the second sentence was immediately following the first one, and probably uttered by Hisashi:
"You too!" or "You're one to talk!"
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