
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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English to romaji 2009/10/8 22:50
I need a translation of the word "cripple"... Online translators give me haijin, fugusha, fugu, katawa & bikko

What I need is some more context... I know that haijin has been 'adopted' by gamers to describe other games who "have no outside life" but I'm unsure as to the differences in the other words... I see that fugu has multiple other meanings but of the remaining words I can find only that they are nouns for "cripple"... I'd like to know if any of them are more polite or more derogatory when refering to a person (i.e. "handicapped" vs. "cripple")

by Ian (guest)  

Context 2009/10/9 09:58
Can you give the context in which you'd like to use the word? Otherwise it is very hard to find appropriate word in Japanese.
by magonote rate this post as useful

reply 2009/10/9 10:19
I'm looking for the 'more crude' word - similar to how Cripple is less PC than Handicapped or Disabled
by Ian (guest) rate this post as useful

context 2009/10/9 10:44
If I understand you correctly, you want a crude word for physically disabled? Or handicapped as used in golf? It would help if you provided more context, say use it in a sentence, or provide a definition.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

reply 2009/10/10 00:32
Correct, a crude word for Physically Disabled Person..

As in "After the accident, I felt as though I were a Cripple - I couldn't do anything for my self anymore but I worked hard and now I feel much better about myself"
by Ian (guest) rate this post as useful

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