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baseball game in tokyo for Nov 2009 2009/10/9 15:12
we will be in Tokyo for 4 days in November. I read that it's fun to watch a baseball game in Tokyo Dome specially if the Giants are playing. I searched for a game schedule for November and I haven't found any. The Giants website I saw is in Japanese :( So here are what I'd like to know:
1. Do you think there will be a good baseball game in Tokyo for the dates Nov 6-10?
2. If so where can I check the schedule and buy the tickets?
3. Do I need to purchase the tickets in advance to get a sure seat?
4. If there is no game in tokyo dome, is there any other stadium near tokyo that may have a good game on the duration that we are there? If so, where can I check the schedule and buy the ticket?

Thanks a lot!
by azalea1109  

baseball 2009/10/9 16:05
1. Do you think there will be a good baseball game in Tokyo for the dates Nov 6-10?

Japanese baseball is at the end of the season and the Japan Series will be held from Oct 31- Nov 8. Even if the Giants make the series, the games that will be played on the dates you are in Tokyo are not scheduled to be home games for the Central League.

2. If so where can I check the schedule and buy the tickets?

try here:

3. Do I need to purchase the tickets in advance to get a sure seat?

For the Japan Series, most likely yes. Tickets will probably be hard to get and expensive.

4. If there is no game in tokyo dome, is there any other stadium near tokyo that may have a good game on the duration that we are there? If so, where can I check the schedule and buy the ticket?

I'm not sure how the Japanese playoffs work but theoretically if the Chiba Lotte Marines or the Seibu Lions make the Series, and if the series goes to game 6 or 7, then you may be able to see a game in the greater Tokyo area. That's a lot of ifs though.
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