
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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translation 2009/10/19 02:10
Can any japanese (preferably) translate the following please?

1) Aさんは生き別れの双子のようなもの。

2) Aさんは同じ職場だから彼はハンデイをもらえている。

Thank you,
by well (guest)  

My best guesses 2009/10/19 16:28
1) A-san is like a twin that (I) lost contact with since birth. (A-san is either: "dear to me like a close family though I've never met him for a long time since we were born and got separated," or "so similar to me that I can tell what he is thinking" kind of sentiment - my best guess here.)

2) A-san is in the same work place, so is handicapped (meaning given some extra consideration - maybe A-san is in the same work place "as someone else")

Without the context, even a native Japanese speaker is struggling here :)
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2009/10/19 23:44
1) Aさんは生き別れの双子のようなもの。

A-san is like a twin sister/brother separated at birth for me.

#2 can be translated differently depending on the situation.
by Ikuyo Kuruyo (guest) rate this post as useful

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