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Help with Japanese text translation... 2009/10/21 22:56
I'm doing some fan for fan manga translating (English to Polish) . During it i stumbled upon a untranslated text in Japanese. I wonder if anyone can help me with translating it? I tried reading signs with hiragana and katakana chart and then google the result, but i failed :( This is how this text looks like : http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5172/lalald.jpg
by Ania (guest)  

... 2009/10/22 12:52
It says "ikinari yobisute...".
ikinari means suddenly, all of a sudden, abruptly.
And yobisute refers to calling someone by their family/given name without adding an honorific such as -san, -chan, -sama, etc.
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