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Financial aid in Japan 2009/10/22 15:40
Is getting a university loan in Japan difficult?
by Johnny82  

I think so 2009/10/23 06:30
Foreign students need to prove they have the financial resources to support themselves as well as pay school tuition before being accepted into a university.

So I think it's probably difficult unless you already are a resident.
by Jou (guest) rate this post as useful

I live and work in Japan 2009/10/23 09:40
I work as an ALT in Japan. I really want to quit my job and focus on just Japanese for a year. Unfortunately, I can't seem to save enough money to pay for a year of University, an apartment, and other expenses like food or utilities.

If I add it all up, it would equal to one years pay! Even is I saved half of what I make every month, it would still take me two years!

Does anyone have any advice?
by Johnny82 rate this post as useful

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