
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Ritsumeikan APU 2009/11/13 14:43
I'm interested in going to APU because it isn't as expensive as TUJ. But right now, I am having problems understanding how to get in and how to get my visa and all that stuff. Is there anyone with experience that could help me! I'm 17 and I've graduated high school. I am living in the United States. I've decided to go to APU, please don't recommend me to other places. I just need more information and a little help, please!
by MariahSmith (guest)  

... 2009/11/14 03:12
Have you tried starting here?


You will receive your student visa after you have successfully completed the application process and have been accepted to the university.

by geogeek1 rate this post as useful

Application First 2009/11/14 05:01
Hello Maria,

First step is for your to read the admission infos for APU, and before completing the application for admission you want to secure all other required records that is asked. Then, fill in the application and mail that to APU. Then, you will just have to WAIT to find out if you been accepted or not..... while waiting for APU to decide I strong urge you to apply to other universities since admission to any college isn't guaranteed.

If you are accepted they will notify you.
by stanfordgal rate this post as useful

Help from APU Students 2009/12/4 12:28
What I really need is help from someone that has attended APU. I don't understand most of the process because it's not as easy as applying for local colleges.
by MariahSmith (guest) rate this post as useful

just call 2009/12/4 13:02
If you genuinely are that interested, I don't see why you don't just call the admissions office in Japan. If they really cater to international students, there should be someone on the other line that can speak english and help you out. They are more qualified in answering your questions than anyone here.

When I was applying for a couple of the universities in Japan, I personally called and asked about the admissions. International calls shouldn't cost that much and if you really want to go that much, you'll put that investment.
by fruitloops (guest) rate this post as useful

You Must Make The Efforts 2009/12/4 13:32
The links provided by geogeek1, regarding how to apply to APU is written in a basic English language.

All you need to do is follow it step by step,....

By now you should have already enlisted a help from your family, or from your friend, or from a school counselor, or from the local librarian,...

How will you survive in a foreign country if you have such a hard time comprehending a simple written English and can't follow its instructions?

I know you can do it, so do it. Or forget about applying for APU, and enroll in the local college.

by stanfordgal rate this post as useful

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