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Kerosene Delivery 2009/11/27 11:20
Does anyone have a number for someone who delivers kerosene to apartments?

I live in Tokyo, Minato ku and it's quite a trek to the nearest gas station. It would be next to impossible to walk back to my apartment with a full container.

All advice is Welcome! Thanks!
by Mimi (guest)  

here 2009/11/27 13:23
This is number for Sumida Trading that delivers kerosene.
Monday to Friday, 8:30am ~ 5:30pm

And ENEOS Dr.Drive Shinbashi SS
weekday, 8:30am ~ 7:00pm
by Yoshi (guest) rate this post as useful

Thanks 2009/11/27 13:37
Thank you Soooo much Yoshi. This is really helpful!!
by Mimi (guest) rate this post as useful

no-go 2009/11/27 17:23
So, I called the numbers that Yoshi provided but the problem is they only deliver between 10am and 16:00 weedays. I am at work during these hours. Does anyone know any kerosene delivery companys out there that keeps later hours?
by mimi (guest) rate this post as useful

another company 2009/11/27 18:53
This is another company, Tokyo Shell Pack.
weekday 10:00 ~ 17:00

They can deliver while you are out, if you put empty container outside.

If you can read japanese, check this site.
by Yoshi (guest) rate this post as useful

taxi 2009/11/27 20:17
You could also use the taxi. Or a luggage cart. Is the trouble and/or expense and danger less than using electricity?
by .... (guest) rate this post as useful

Thanks 2009/11/27 20:58
Thanks Yoshi, I'll call them on Monday.

To ... Yes it's worth it because I already have the kerosene heater and If I were to use a heater that requires electricity, that means I would have to go out and purchase one. Its only a hassle now because it's the first time. Once it's sorted I am sure it will be smooth sailing from there on out.
by Mimi (guest) rate this post as useful

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