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Prescription Question 2009/12/2 11:24
I know that there are a few topics about medication, I read all the ones that I could find and I still have questions.

I will be living in Japan for a year (leaving in march or april). I take eltroxin (0.05mg) for my thryroid daily. I know that I can only take a month supply without permission.

What do I have to do in order to get prescriptions filled in Japan? And how do I know if my medication is available there? Or ... where, and how do I get a year supply of my medication approved?

Is it easier to get a year supply approved, or to just get a prescription filled in Japan?

by Breanna (guest)  

Question for your Japan doctor 2009/12/2 13:47
My uncle and cousin are both Japan MD's. My cousin says a doctor must prescribe it, as you are aware. New doctor may not prescribe same medications nor authorize one year supply, since the dosage amount may exceed allowable amount in Japan.
by stanfordgal rate this post as useful

prescription query 2009/12/2 16:34
-------I will be living in Japan for a year (leaving in march or april). I take eltroxin (0.05mg) for my thryroid daily. I know that I can only take a month supply without permission.----------

For thyroid, I think you only need to see your specialist or physician once a year for follow up visit, correct?
I'm curious where you got information that you can only take one month supply along. Thyroid med is not exactly hazadous medication so you may be able to take a whole supply (at least for few months if not for year supply) with you by talking to your doctor who may ask the pharmacist... if it is not allowed than it can be shipped to you via express.
by BOBO (guest) rate this post as useful

other options... 2009/12/2 16:48
As far as I am aware it is a customs law that only one months supply of prescription medication is allowed to be brought into the country without having to request prior permission through the embassy (filling out some form to get a certificate, I've forgotten what its called)


since it is not a banned substance, you could try to pack more in your suitcase (maybe not a years supply!) and see if you can get it through, I've heard stories of people getting up to a years supply of BC through just because they were lucky enough not to be searched by customs, though it is very risky. When I go to japan next week I'm going to be taking in 2 months of BC, and see how i go. If I get it taken off me then thats that, but I really dont think they will ask too many questions about it.

You could also get a friend or relative to just mail it to you every month, ive heard of people doing this without problem too.

anyway, just some other ideas to think about.
by Shi. (guest) rate this post as useful

Prescription Drugs 2009/12/2 16:51
by stanfordgal rate this post as useful

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