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Buying a knife in Takamatsu 2009/12/12 08:24
I have a friend who is visiting Takamatsu. I recently have found need for a GOOD sashimi knife (Kikuichi blue steel or maybe Sakai Takayuki Shiden) and would like to ask her to look into it for me to bring, or mail home to the USA. What are the rules (size to mail or fly with) and how much should I send her? (exchange rate on a $300US or so knife) Also will these be found in the local shopping scene? or do I need to direct her to a specility store? I dont want to make her do too much leg work and am having trouble finding them on the net. Your response is appreciated. Thanks!
by chef steve (guest)  

Re: 2009/12/12 21:50
chef steve,

You can buy Kiku-ichimonji on the internet.
by xexstyle (guest) rate this post as useful

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