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Driving Practice To Convert USA License 2009/12/14 18:40
Hi everyone,

I heard that you can go somewhere to practice driving the driving course before you take the actual test. I was wondering where to go. I live in Chiba and have taken the test 2 times and failed 2 times.. They won't tell me what I'm doing wrong. Whatever it is it must be minor, but a big deal to them.. I have 10 years experience driving so this is really frustrating. Please help!

by Dogbert  

driving school 2009/12/15 16:43
Welcome to the frustrating experience of transfering your license. Don't worry if you fail a few time, the test is not a reflection of your actual driving skills, but on how well you studied for the test. The best way to do that is at a driving school so you're headed in the right direction. Also, I've heard that the national average is 7 attempts, so try not to let it get you down. Anyway, heres a list of all the driving schools in Chiba including hours and links to their homepages. Sorry its all in Japanese but its all I could find:
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

just one lesson 2009/12/15 21:29
You only need to take a one hour lesson on how to take the test, not the full course. The price should range from 5000 to 8000 yen or perhaps a bit more. If the school is in Chiba, the price should be on the lower end of that range.

Some key points to be aware of:

Your approach to the car is part of the test. Check the vehicles front and then rear. Check the rear again before you open the door, check again as you are closing the door. Check the seat adjustment, that the car is in park and neutral, put the seat belt on and place your right hand on the wheel and your left on the rear view mirror. Then wait for the go ahead to start your engine, then check the side view mirrors. Turn the right indicator light on to signal that you are pulling out. Whatever you do don't stop on the white line! Stop BEFORE the white line or you will automatically fail. Many people fail on the "S" and "L" turns. Please remember that if you hit the curb and continue forward you will automatically fail. If you back up and reapproach, however, you will only lose some points and can still pass.

Good luck!
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

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