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Modelling part time jobs? 2010/1/29 07:22
so I am a very big fan of Japan, and I would like to go there for a while, especially if I could be visiting it while I'm working in there too, and I do some modelling job sometimes, so I would like to know how could I get some works in there?
I am currently trying to learn japanese, and I've read a lot about japan, and I realise it will be hard, and I also know that japan is not only about anime, so I am not just dreaming about it, I really would like to find a job, in part time, does anyone understand about it? Is there any models or photographers in here that could help me?
Thanks ^^
by isisbathory  

... 2010/1/29 08:43
Are you a citizen of Portugal? If yes, I am afraid you do not qualify for a working holiday visa, which is really the only practical way to go to Japan with the aim of doing some part time work:

The other visa options are introduced on the following page:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Modelling part time jobs? 2010/1/29 09:07
Well I am portuguese of nationality, but until six months ago I was a citizien of the UK, and I still got all my british documents, like insurance and all of that, do you think that it would change anything?
I wouldn't mind to save up some money to make a working, but I would like to be sure I would find something to do in there before, and I would also like to know if with the working visa I would be able to keep studying?
Thanks for the reply :)
by isisbathory rate this post as useful

visas 2010/1/29 09:55
To get the working holiday visa you need to be a citizen of the UK currently, with a valid UK passport. You also need to apply in the UK.

You would likely only get modelling work if you have a portfolio and experience modelling, and unless you are already a successful model outside Japan you would also need some kind of valid visa (student visa, working visa), as no reputable company will hire you on a tourist permit.

Why not come here as a student and then see what part time work you can find?

by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

to "Sira" 2010/1/29 10:13
Thanks for getting back to me :)
Yes now I understand what you mean...
Well I already have experience in modelling, especially in photography.
I also thought about getting a student visa, but I would like to first have a warantee that I would be able to survive by myself, I mean I am trying to save up some money now, but my saving wouldn't last that long, I guess...
by isisbathory rate this post as useful

Japan 2010/1/29 11:43
The thing is, they don't give working visas for part time work here. Also, some experience modelling isn't really enough- you would have to be with an agency that was trying to market you in Japan, i.e. already quite successful.

To come as a student you need to show you have enough money saved up to cover your living expenses for 6 months or more as well as paying for your tuition (not cheap).

Why not set your sights a bit lower and come over for just a couple of weeks to a month as a tourist? That way you can see if the place lives up to your expectations and get some idea of what job opportunities are realistically available for non-Japanese here.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

to "Sira" 2010/1/29 11:59
Oh thank you once again,
Well I thought about that in the first idea (and I'm thinking about doing it maybe after november this year), but I am still trying to get informations about it, I mean if I really like what I see after going to visit japan in november, I would like to have things well thought, so I could be sure to go there a little more safe...
Thanks for all the help :)
by isisbathory rate this post as useful

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