Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Something small 2010/1/30 13:36
I need your help with a few sentences.

[the people] だと騒いでいるが [that it has returned.]

"Are making noise" doesn't work in the sentence. Please suggest something that fits.

[the event]簡単に連想させる[of the first event]

I don't know how "easily assoicated" fits.

現在所有権は - property rights?

名門貴族の元に移っている - passed to a former distinguished family? nobleman from a former family?


Five years ago, (he?) invested foreign capital into the development of a large-scale underground (?)


According to the geological survay, the (bedrock?) formation would be (very beneficial) for the consturction of a certain kind of facility.

Thank you.
by anburera  

. 2010/1/30 16:35
arguing about..., discussing about...
quickly reminds me of ...
The present property rights
has been transfered to the original well known noble family.
It seems, It appears, I think that (someone)invested overseas fund in a large scale underground development(project)five years ago.
Based on the geological survey, there is the solid bedrock that it is no problem to construct a facility on it.
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

Excellent 2010/2/3 15:43

Thank you for your prompt response. I have a few more questions. I need someone to review the following text to make sure its accurate and literal.


The madness was concealed even by people, organizations and nations more or less.


At first, it was fortunate for America that they had adhered to the government.


(They?) questioned the responsibility of the virus leak and went to trial and campaign where the U.S. Government plotted (?).

Despite the stock price plummeting, they successfully managed to delay their final death sentence.


However, the one that had gone mad most due to that incident was only America.


This place is sure to become Umbrella's end...?
*(the final line has to be "Umbrella's end")*

And could someone please translate the following? It's full of metaphors I can't accurately translate.


Thank you.
by anburera rate this post as useful

... 2010/2/3 18:09
At times you are missing the meaning of the word completely... the nuances can be important in texts like these. I cannot even give you the right translation without the context, but here are my attempts at correction, with some words explained.

(1) The thing called madness is hidden/The potential for madness exists, though the degree varies, even in people, organizations, and nations (ready to come out when the right occasion strikes).
The part in parenthesis is the nuance of 潜んでいる.

(2) 癒着 does not mean "adhere to" in the good sense, but more of (often referring to) undesired connections between corporations and government, often leading to compliance or corruption issues.
元々 is "from the start/beginning," or "originally."

(3) You need to be careful about who the subject of the sentence is. Someone was "blamed for the virus leak," (you can tell from the passive: 問われ), but did the campaign and succeeded in earning some time. The whole sentence is connected.
Blamed as the culprit for the virus leak, amidst plummeting stock prices, (it) rolled out allegations at the trial and campaign asserting that everything was a plot by the US government, and succeed in earning some time until the ultimate dealth sentence was handed out.

(4) ほかならない means "nothing/noone but...." 
あの事件で suggests "in/during that incident," not "due to..."
狂っていた means "was mad/crazy," not "gone crazy."
It was noone but the US that was maddest in that incident.
by AK rate this post as useful

Ah 2010/2/3 21:40

Thanks! I've made the appropriate entries in my notebook. I've heard children's book are good for learning sentence structure, but they're not available in this province. I rely heavily on my dictionary and minor knowledge of particles.

I've been working on this project for two months and would like to put it to rest. Would you review the following sentences and make the apprioprate revisions, with notation for future reference?


The government cleaning up its own skeletons in the closet is of course a secret, so they lived on by selling the matter piece by piece to the court and the mass communication to fog the people's suspicion.


From the beginning, it was lucky for Umbrella that ‘he’ had allies within the government.


Signs for a restoration of that foolish Umbrella can be seen.


For the first time a B.O.W. goes rampant on the location of the conflict.


The B.O.W. was supplied as a weapon.


Behind the scenes Umbrella prepared a system for the production of biological weapons, the transport ship operates based on incoming information.


It’s high time.


Virus kneads, takes advantage of and manages with the situation, creates mutants, sale.


Moreover constant effects appear simultaneously, the virus alone is the medium for the production of a living weapon even if the trivial untreatable faults can only be put out in the imagination.


The “Philosopher’s Stone” belongs in the hands of a truly worthy alchemist.


People who don’t deserve that right will be asked to quietly leave.


Here without a doubt will become the place of Umbrella’s end…


The villagers there are arguing that the legendary monster ‘Almas’ has been revived…


The disaster quickly reminds me of the first bizarre incidentin Raccoon Forest.
by anburera rate this post as useful

This is about all I feel like helping :) 2010/2/3 22:11
(1) 当然国にも叩けば埃が出る機密があり、それを法廷とマスコミに切り売りする事で民衆の疑念を煙に巻く生き残り戦術だ。

たたけばほこりが出る is the modifier for 機密。What they mean is that everyone has some skeletons in the closet if searched. What they "sell" in bits and pieces to courts and mass media is the 機密.

煙に巻く is a standing phrase meaning "mystify," but actually means "confuse (somebody) and get away (from/with)..." in your context, almost like "quieten down (the suspicion)."

Of course the national government has secrets just like anyone else, and (someone's) tactics is to feed those secrets in piecemeal to the court and to the mass media (for sensation), and thereby lead the suspecting people into confusion (and get away with it).

(2) 元々政府と癒着してきたのがアンブレラにとっては幸いだった。

It was lucky for Umbrella that ‘he’ had allies within the government from the beginning.

元々 is an adverb for 癒着してきた.


Even with that foolish Umbrella, now there are signs for a restoration.

(I don't know if Umbrella is a person or whatsoever, so beyond this I really don't know.)
by AK rate this post as useful

A few more 2010/2/3 22:40
(1) 紛争地でB.O.W.が跋扈し始めている。

B.O.W. are starting to go rampant on the region(s) of conflict/conflict zones.

"...(verb) hajimeru" = begin (to do something)

(2) 兵器としてB.O.W.が供給されているのだ。

The B.O.W. are supplied as a weapon.

(3) [アンブレラは 水面下で体制を整え 生物兵器を生産し、輸送する船舶が運航している]という情報も入ってきている。

Please look at the structure; the whole part I put in bracket is a modifier for "information (that...)."

We are receiving information that Umbrella has readied itself behind the scenes, produces biological weapons, and that there are (already) transport ships in operation/out on the sea.

(4) t-ウィルスを捏ね繰り回し、変異体を作り、販売する。

(Somebody/he?they?) fidgets with the virus, creates mutants, and sells them.

(5) それに一定の効果が出ようとも、ウィルスを生体兵器の製造媒体にしか扱えない想像力では いずれまたつまらないボロを出す。

Even if (it) showed some effects, the imagination that is capable of treating virus only as a media for producing biological weapons will only lead to another stupid mistake/oversight sometime in the future.

一定の means "of some extent"

(つまらない)ボロを出す = make (stupid) mistake, show itself as faulty

This sentence is saying that (whose imaginative power I don't know but) this person/entity so far demonstrated that all it could do with virus was just to use it to (evil purpose such as) create biological weapon. Considering that he/they have such poor/evil imagination, they are bound to screw it up again.

(6) 賢者の石”は真にふさわしい錬金術師の手へ。

The verb of the sentence is only implied, not stated. I would guess it as the verb "go," as it says 手へ, showing it's going somewhere.

The “Philosopher’s Stone” goes to the hands of a truly worthy alchemist.

Ummm. For learning to decipher the language/learn the language, this text is awfully complicated - I might recommend a structured grammar textbook to familiarize yourself with everyday terms (if you have not done so already) and maybe start with simpler sentences for structured learning...
by AK rate this post as useful

FYI 2010/2/4 02:18
This might help you for context AK:
by Firedraco rate this post as useful

Hmm... 2010/2/4 06:24

Well, I've been working on getting the unreleased supplemental material (among other things) translated. For the above, I got the actual voice actor from the game to do the voice over so it's a pretty important projects in terms of fan base. I'm on a dead line, that's why I need help. I'm also trying to keep it secret until the video is released.
by anburera rate this post as useful

... 2010/2/4 07:59
Oh I see. I wasn't sure if you were using this complicated material as your learning aid, or was doing it as translation work for someone else...
by AK rate this post as useful

No 2010/2/4 12:49

I generally work alone and this is for my own benefit.

However, I can only do so much with limited skills. Practice makes perfect, as they say.

Could you review the final sentences, AK?
by anburera rate this post as useful

OK, last bit :) 2010/2/4 13:04
I think the last ones are farily OK :)

(1) “賢者の石”は真にふさわしい錬金術師の手へ。

The “Philosopher’s Stone” goes/should go to the hands of a truly worthy alchemist.

(2) The next one is in contrast to the above sentence, so I would use the same word "worthy".


People who are not worthy should quietly/simply leave.

(3) OK: ここが必ずアンブレラ終焉の地になる…

Here without a doubt will become the place of Umbrella’s end…

(4) OK: 村人は伝説の怪物「アルマス」が蘇ったのだと騒いでいるが…

The villagers there are arguing that the legendary monster ‘Almas’ has been revived…

(5) その惨状はラクーンフォレストでの最初の猟奇事件を簡単に連想させる。

The disaster/catastrophe easily reminds me of the first bizarre incident in Raccoon Forest.

If it was referring to a murder case scene or something like that, I would use the word "scene" instead of a big word like "disaster" or "catastrophe."
by AK rate this post as useful

Great 2010/2/4 13:32

Thanks, AK. If you're interested I'll post a link to the movie in this topic when it's done.
by anburera rate this post as useful

... 2010/2/5 09:36

That would be nice :)
by AK rate this post as useful

AK 2010/2/7 15:14
I should have it finished by Wednesday.

Could you help me with this?


And/in that way development carred outof (it).

I guess it would mean...

The development carried out in that way was (it),

And that development was (it),
by anburera rate this post as useful

... 2010/2/7 15:55
My best guess for そうして開発されたのが、

And then as a result/outcome of that development work was...
And that development work led to...
by AK rate this post as useful

Thanks 2010/2/8 16:21


Were the data taken from the incident put to good use?

AK, could you explain the sentence structure here? Does the "ka" at the end make it a question?
by anburera rate this post as useful

... 2010/2/8 16:42

- I wonder if (they) made use of the data taken/gathered from the incident.
"...darou ka" is, yes, it is a question, but it sounds more like someone is musing quietly... so I put it as "I wonder if...(?)"
by AK rate this post as useful

AK 2010/2/11 16:17
by anburera rate this post as useful

Hmm 2010/2/14 00:43

Anyway, there's been a lot of positive feedback...

Could someone take a look at this?

たとえば究極の兵器を開発したとしよう For instance, let’s assume that you developed the ultimate weapon.

さてどうする? Now, what would you do?

運命は君に委ねられるんだ What fate has been entrusted to you?

For the "fate one", I'm not sure how to separate the hiragana.

"nda" is for the purpose of so could it mean "what if"? It seems like a question, but I don't see an indicator.

by anburera rate this post as useful

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