
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Live in Japan in these circumstances? 2010/2/1 22:01

I was just wondering, can anyone who lives in Japan possibly tell me just how difficult it would be to live in Japan in these circumstances;

Mid 30fs British male, no degree, basic grasp of Japanese but a decent understanding of etiquette and culture and living in Kyushu. Now I know they wouldnft let me in at all except for this factor; I am married to or to be married to a Japanese girl.

This is a hypothetical situation and is probably 99% likely never to come about but as there is just the tiniest possibility I am curious as to what people think.

Personally I expect that without a degree I would have terrible problems getting employment, especially before a very good command of the language was achieved. I also think that I would possibly experience a certain amount of racial prejudice. Donft get me wrong, I love Japan and the Japanese but I have somehow gotten the impression that it is not the easiest place for an immigrant to settle. Having said all that, if the situation arose, I would give it a go. Thatfs what love does to you I guess.

by harkins (guest)  

... 2010/2/2 09:04
- If you don't get married to a Japanese national, with your educational background and age (under 30 is eligible for Working Holiday Visa up to one year for British nationals), you don't have a chance, unless you have 3 years or more of English language teaching experience, or 5, 10 years or work experience that a Japanese employer would find so interesting so as to hire you and sponsor you for a visa - but for that you would need good command of language.

- If you do get married to a Japanese national, you will be eligible for Spouse of Japanese National, etc. status, under which you can live (with your spouse) and work in Japan. Though with your current language proficiency, employment will probably be limited to English language teaching, if you interview well.

It's not so much racial prejudice, but that you will be considered an outside for life here, that's all.
by AK rate this post as useful

Moving to Japan 2010/2/2 09:05

As you don't have a degree, you do not qualify for a working visa, so it would be impossible for you to spend more than 6 months (on a tourist visa) unless you are married or engaged to get married in Japan. Once married, you are allowed to live and work freely in Japan, but whether you would be able to find employment to support two people is something you need to seriously discuss with your girlfriend/fiancee.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

As expected really 2010/2/2 09:18
Thanks for the answers. Like I say, they were somewhat as expected. As things stand I just have a girlfriend of 6 months who has recently returned to Japan. She is intending to return here later in the year with me visiting there in the mean time. But I was just thinking ahead, way ahead! Of course it would be a lot easier, if things ever get that far, that she would move here but I for her I would move there. But I guess it would be a very tough experience!! Anyway, I'll cross that bridge if and when I get to it. But thanks again for confirming fears.


by harkins (guest) rate this post as useful

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