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Interview attire 2010/2/6 02:28
I was wondering if it is normal for women to wear pantsuits for interviews in Japan. I do in all the time at home (NY) but I'll be interviewing for the JET Program and wanted to know if that is frowned upon or unusual.

by aurora (guest)  

either is fine 2010/2/6 09:34
Japanese women wear skirts to an interview, but you are not expected to emulate Japanese women at any stage of the JET application process. You will be interviewed by people who have been in your home country a long time as well as fellow Americans so they will see nothing odd about a pantsuit. Your grooming and attitude are far more important than whether you are wearing a skirt or pants with your jacket.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you 2010/2/9 00:31
Thanks Sira. I thought that was the case, but I needed confirmation.
by aurora (guest) rate this post as useful

NY 2010/2/10 11:22
if you are interviewing in NY i would follow the normal attire guidelines you'd usually use for an interview at any other company in NY.

when you come to Japan though you don't see many women wearing pant-suits.
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

They do wear them 2010/2/10 15:17
Working in the Marunouchi area in Tokyo I see women in pantsuits quite often, but for interviews it's always skirts.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/2/10 15:53
Well there are many factors here,
You are going for a JET interview, which is not a normal recruit interview most japanese women would be going to, you aren't expected to act or behave like a Japanese women to begin with. Dress in business attire, dress or pantsuit shouldn't matter much.
by Railroadtycoon (guest) rate this post as useful

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