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Purchase Tora-san movie series DVD 2010/2/24 17:06
I am living in Hong Kong. Is there any means to purchase DVDs of the Tora-san 男はつらいよmovie series (1-48 episodes, with english or chinese subtitles) through internet/fax/mail?

There is an official Shochiku DVD Club ( for DVD purchase but the website is in Japanese and it doesn't seem to offer delivery outside Japan.
by fungshinghoi  

try local 2010/2/24 23:38
Take a look in HK Records first.
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

try local already 2010/2/25 01:48
Dear Tilt,

In Hong Kong, one can find the first 37 episodes of the series issued by Panaroma. Regrettably publishing of the last 11 issues have discontinued (?financial reasons). I have never seen the directly imported DVDs here (except in university libraries). Thank you anyway.

by fungshinghoi rate this post as useful

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