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Going to a Japanese Uni in my situation 2010/2/25 10:09
Ok, I'm currently a freshman in High School, but I fully intend to go to University in Japan when I graduate in 2013 (I also plan to study abroad for a year '11-'12) I've been studying the language on my own for a bit, and I'm pretty sure with further study I'll be pretty good. I want to major in Business there or go into technology.

But that is not my problem.

I've been intending to take the CHSPE. Which is basically a test in California that alowes you to test out of high school. Like dropping out, but the CHSPE can act as a sort of high school diploma ONLY in california.

Now I intend to take it next year when I turn 16 (february). Then I plan to take 4 semesters of community college so I could have 2 years worth of college credit classes. With those, I intended to transfer to a four year university in california and also get my GED at 18.

Now, I want to know...will I be able to get into any Japanese Universities if i don't actually finish high school? If I don't have a high school diploma? If I don't have any SAT/ACT scores? I was looking at TUJ, APU, Sophia...but those are the only ones I know. And I'm still unsure as to if they'll let me in (I know they'll accept CERTAIN transfer credits for general education)...

But I'd like to go to an ACTUAL Japanese university like Soudai, or Keio. Not those specifically...

I guess I'm asking, do you guys know any universities that would possibly accept me (and possibly my credits) or no?

Any recomendations as to what I should do?
by cmunch  

... 2010/2/25 11:42
I think the first question you have to ask and answer (because the university will want to know) is, what is your hurry?

by kyototrans rate this post as useful

dhkfjhdsfj 2010/2/25 15:21
why will you not have SAT/ACT scores? those are independent of your high school education.

many good national universities have guides in english for international students; you would be well advised to read them.
by nattofriends (guest) rate this post as useful

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