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Cultural Activities visa 2010/2/28 07:30
if you got a Cultural Activities visa and had the money to stay in japan would you be able to renew in 5-10 times (stay for 5-10 years) or is there a limit to how many times you can renew the Cultural Activities visa?
by azz19  

sort of 2010/3/1 07:29
from what i understand (i have personally looked into getting one of these visas for serious study in a rare field) immigration will give you a hard time after your 3rd year.

if you are studying an art / profession that has a traditional apprenticeship that lasts longer than 3 years you may be able to extend it. there are several traditional japanese traditions that require an uchideshi apprenticeship lasting up to 7 years or so, those would probably be your best bet. however after 3 to 5 years you can usually just apply for permanent residency.
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