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Japanese/American in Japan? 2010/2/28 20:18
So recently I was accepted into a Japanese college as an international student. (ICU) This was really exciting for me because I really want to go to study in Japan.

The thing is, I'm full Japanese, but I've been living in America for the last 14 years, and I'm a little nervous of what will happen if I go. I would kind of hate being introduced as the new "international student" even though I'm Japanese.

Is there anyone like me, a full Japanese going to learn japanese, that could tell me what its like?
by japanman0055  

. 2010/3/2 00:55
I've met Japanese who are American or who hold dual passports (not Japanese-American) but Japanese and American.

They seemed to be doing just fine, one of them was at the school I attended.

Universities usually don't do it like high school or college by saying "hey here's the new international student".

Even though you are "full japanese" you have lived overseas and technically are "international" vs. "foreign student"any case at the university level I don't think there's much to worry about. My french friend, who's white as you can be, studied at a japanese university just fine, I have many korean and chinese friends who are at japanese universities without problems as well. I don't think people really care as long as you work hard, and apply yourself as a teamplayer.
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