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Tips for an American attempting work? 2010/3/5 03:55
I've been doing a fair amount of research into teaching English in Japan, but I've come against a few roadblocks on the way I was hoping could get answered.

First off, I keep getting asked what visa status I currently hold by prospective jobs, but the embassy is asking me for a sponsored company in applications to work visas. Is there something I'm missing there?

In a more broad topic, when applying to teaching English in Japan, are there any situations I should be wary of?

Any other useful tidbits of advice is greatly appreciated!

by Pswendel  

... 2010/3/5 07:24
First off, I keep getting asked what visa status I currently hold by prospective jobs,

The embassy is correct. This just means that the employers are looking for people who already have some work-permitting visa status in Japan, and maybe less interested in hiring someone completely new that they have to take the trouble of sponsoring a visa for.

Sorry to put it bluntly, but with the current economy, companies are not hiring that many new people, and when they hire, they might be inclined to look for experienced teachers already in Japan with work visa, unless they bump into new ones with very interesting/attractive background.
by AK rate this post as useful

lots of info out there 2010/3/5 08:13
Pswendel, for the answers to all your questions, go and have a look at sites dedicated to those topics, like www.eslcafe.com's Japan forum, www.letsjapan.org , the Ohayo Sensei site and many others. Lots of info there about what schools to avoid and what to expect in a school as well as visa issues.

Don't waste time applying to schools if they say "proper visa required"- as AK says, they are looking for people already in Japan on working visas, or other visas like dependent or spouse which means they are able to start working straight away. Very few schools hire from outside Japan, but you will find information on which ones do if you visit the sites I recommended. You could also search for employers like AEON, ECC and Interac as they do hire outside Japan (although they may not be hiring right now).
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

one more place for information 2010/3/12 02:26
Hi Pswendel,

You really chose a tough time for this step but with the proper resume it is still possible. I can fully support Sira's suggestions the proper research there will show you your opportunities. Another site you can look at is: http://www.internations.org/expats/home/japan/
If you are lucky someone posted an opening there but in any case you almost certainly will find someone there who is currently teaching English at a school in Japan. You can ask them about their experience, how they got the job and they might even help you "from the inside".

I hope this helps and good look!
by Christoph Gruber (guest) rate this post as useful

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