
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Health insurance 2010/3/8 01:08
I have a question about heath insurance, namely I have a little more than two weeks till my departure to Japan where I will be studying for about 4 months. I was looking through offers of health/medical insurances in my country but all companies have very expensive offers and to be honest they are not very wide according to the price.
My question is if there is a possibility to buy insurance which cover eventual costs of medical treatment etc after coming to Japan? One which would have reasonable price.
Thanks in advance for replies.
by Misha (guest)  

insurance 2010/3/8 15:16
ISIC which is offered by most universities in America with study abroad programs (roughly $20 a year) offers basic health insurance that can be used world wide at almost every hospital.

It also gets you discounts on airfare, entry into museums, etc.

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