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America to Japan, can I do it? 2010/3/11 07:00
Alright, so I am 19 years old, Italian-American female. I am looking into moving to Japan, though I’m not sure how to go about doing it… I will be taking Japanese this upcoming fall at College and plan on arriving in Japan with my 2 year degree sometime in 2012- I will be 21 and get there with an elementary level of understanding. I will have 14,400 USD saved up by then. I heard it’s next to impossible to get an apartment in Japan though if you’re from the USA. Is this true? If so, what would you suggest I do for housing? I will also need a job, and from what I gather a tourist visa will do for 90 days while I look for a job. Hopefully in that time I will find a company willing to sponsor me for a work visa. Please, if anyone can give me some advice, I would very much appreciate it!
by Jennette (guest)  

moving 2010/3/12 09:23
Unfortunately with only a 2 year degree you will not qualify for a work visa and cannot get a job in Japan. Either reconsider your college plans and get a bachelor's degree (an immigration requirement for a work visa), or look into alternate ways to stay in Japan long term, i.e. as a student.
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