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Particles 2010/3/15 12:20
わ, が, を, で and へ I am very bad with above particles, and always use the wrong ones in my sentences.
What are the rules for using the above particles?
Especially what are the rules for using を.
Can anyone please help me?
by Confused (guest)  

. 2010/3/15 13:43
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Very difficult question 2010/3/15 23:06
But very briefly, these particles indicate a case or act like a preposition.
xxxが :xxx is the subject.
xxxを :xxx is the object.
xxxに(orへ) :xxx is dative, as "him" in "I gave him a book".
xxxは :xxx is the theme, which is actually very diificult to explain.
Other particles may correspond to some prepositions in English.
by @JPN (guest) rate this post as useful

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