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accommodations 2010/3/15 16:24
ill be in japan for school and need a place to stay any info on were to look like ads and websites i can handle anything small roommates it just needs to be cheap plz and TY. i already went through this forums ads.
by mikey7  

accommodations 2010/3/15 16:55
How long will you be staying in Japan? Have you contacted your school to see what they can arrange for you? Also consider gaijin apartments like Sakura House and Oak House.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

... 2010/3/15 21:56
by Mary (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2010/3/16 02:17
i've been looking all over the internet for a cheap place too, but something that you have to be aware it's also the location, i assume you'll get a commuter pass so if you'll use more that one train/subway company probably it could end on a higher price at the end. i'll recommend you to use hyperdia (http://www.hyperdia.com/)
at the same time of looking for a place, to see how much it 'll take to get to your school.
by DanielG rate this post as useful

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