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Booking a hostel by fax 2010/3/18 05:30
Hi, a couple of the places I want to stay in for my up coming trip only have fax numbers, so, I was thinking of writing in both English and Japanese to lower the chance of misunderstanding - but am not certain on my Japanese


How does this look?

Thanks in advance,
by Vanagib  

... 2010/3/18 13:50
ファックスなら:(your fax number)
メールなら: (your e-mail address)

I added "for male" after "one bed" (in case if's a complete dorm style) and "check-in" and "check-out" after the dates to be clear.
Also added the third line, "please reply if this reservation is possible."
Fourth line "If you want to contac me by fax: (state your fax number)"
Fifth line: "If via e-mail: (state your e-mail)"

For the rest of it, watch out for the time difference :)
by AK rate this post as useful

thank you! 2010/3/18 16:29
Thanks very much for your help, AK.
by Vanagib rate this post as useful

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