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Options for staying in Japan? 2010/3/19 08:46
My friend and I would like to stay in Japan for an extended period of time.....

My friend has a BACHELORs DEGREE and is currently seeking work in Tokyo.

I, on the other hand.. don't have any college degree and from what I've read (everywhere) I wont be able to work or stay longer than 90 days (on a tourist visa).

Is there any way possible for me to stay??

OR obtain a work visa without a degree?? I've been told so many different things from soo many people..

Some say I can just go on a tourist visa, find a job there (anywhere) then apply for a work visa..

Others say unless I have a bachelor's- no luck- and can't change from a tourist to a work visa unless I returned to my home country first.....

So what's the honest truth??!

What should I do??

OR what about a dependent visa??

Although, my friend is a female and I'm a male ..we're not dating?? or married??

We're coming from the US.
by Davy (guest)  

visa 2010/3/19 10:04
Is there any way possible for me to stay??

Your current long term options are very few. Realistically, unless you have many years of work experience in a desirable field then your only real option would be a student visa. Note that studying in Japan is expensive.

OR obtain a work visa without a degree??

If you have many years experience in a field, say a few years teaching english in the US, then that may qualify you for a work visa to teach english. The number of years varies by job and has to be in a related field to whatever job you are looking for.

Some say I can just go on a tourist visa, find a job there (anywhere) then apply for a work visa..

Yes, assuming you can qualify for a work visa. Without that bachelor's degree or many years experience though you don't qualify.

Others say unless I have a bachelor's- no luck- and can't change from a tourist to a work visa unless I returned to my home country first.....

That's incorrect. And note that you can change the status of your visa within Japan.

OR what about a dependent visa??

Unless you are married to your friend then this is not an option.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

... 2010/3/19 10:09
- If you are married, and your spouse finds a full-time job and gets a work visa (the employer becomes her visa sponsor), then you can apply for a Dependent visa so that you can stay with her in Japan as the "dependent" (restrictions on work apply to you then).

There is no fiancee/fiance visa. If you are not even dating, you cannot even start thinking of Dependent status.

- To obtain a work visa in Japan, the Immigration requirement is that you have to have either (1) a bachelor's degree (as educational background) OR (2) at least several years of work experience elsewhere in the relevant field, meaning, if you want to be hired as an elecrical engineer in Japan, you need to have something like 5 - 10 years of track record as an electrical engineer outside Japan (and of course the language skills). If you are looking to teach the English language, I beleive you need 3 years' experience of having taught English as foreign language elsewhere. In any case, you need either a bachelor's degree OR many years of work experience in the relevant field.

And of course you need to find an employer in Japan who finds your skills and experience interesting that they are willing to hire you over local candidates, and sponsor you for your work visa so you can work for them in Japan.

- Since you are from the US, you do not qualify for a Working Holiday Visa - so the only option is, to enrol in a Japanese language school (full-time, and you need to be able to pay the tuition and also show that you have enough funds for living expenses without working) and stay for a year or so on Pre-college status, your funds allowing.
by AK rate this post as useful

hmm...... 2010/3/19 10:49
If I had a friend of knew a family that owned a business and were interested i hiring me- would that make any difference??! Can they vouch for me somehow??!
by Davy (guest) rate this post as useful

Working visa requirements 2010/3/19 11:01

If I had a friend of knew a family that owned a business and were interested i hiring me- would that make any difference??! Can they vouch for me somehow??!

Nope. Without a university degree, you cannot get a working visa. That is an Immigration requirement which is waived only if you have a significant amount of actual work experience in the field in which you intend to work.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

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