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Frozen takoyaki 2010/3/24 23:10
Previously when I was visiting Osaka - I bought a couple boxes of frozen takoyakis. I wonder if I could find something similar in Tokyo or Narita airport?

Would love to bring it back home as my family loved the ones I brought home from Osaka
by mk (guest)  

yes 2010/3/25 12:24
In Tokyo, yes. Almost all supermarkets deal with it at frozen food section.
by V (guest) rate this post as useful

Takoyaki 2010/3/26 05:27
Better yet, bring home a takoyaki hot-plate. Its a small electric tako yaki maker, sits on the table or counter top.
We brought one back from Japan a few years ago and really enjoy using it. We normally use squid because octopus can be hard to find in the US. There are recipes online and most Asian markets have the ingrediants.
by cf (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you 2010/3/26 11:31
Cool!! I did not know that I could find frozen takoyakis in the supermarket. I guess I did not look hard enough when I was Japan before.

As for the takoyaki machine - my concern would be the voltage. They used lower voltage than home. However I often make okonomiyakis at home. They are the next best thing after takoyakis (in my opinion!! )
by mk (guest) rate this post as useful

100 yen shop 2010/3/27 09:49
I bought a small cast iron takoyaki "cooking plate" at the 100 yen shop for 300 yen I think. It's used like at pan on top of the stove. (So no worryies about voltage)They have different sizes. The one I bought will cook 12 at one time. I'm sure you can find them at any department store.
by Daz88 rate this post as useful

Thanks 2010/3/27 13:45
OMG!! That's a good idea!! Did not know about that. I guess I would to bring a big empty bad to carry back all the things I plan to buy in Tokyo!! Thanks a lot ppl!
by mk (guest) rate this post as useful

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