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How do i become a Japanese citizen? 2010/4/5 03:45
I am 17 and I am looking to finish my high school education in Japan. How do I get there with out my parrents? I am looking to live there afterword. I already know that I need to know the language and have some idea on there foods and culture. My problem is figuring out what paperwork I need to get there. I am not interested in marrying a Japanese to get there -no offense, but I already have someone. I am dedicated to becoming a citizen. Please help me.
by rebecca (guest)  

... 2010/4/5 08:06
Where are you from? How much money do you have? What is your native language? How good is your Japanese? Without the answers to the above questions, it is impossible to give a good answer.

So, I make the following assumptions: you are from a Western country, don't have a lot of money, speak English and are not very good at Japanese. No offense intended. With the above assumptions in mind, I recommend the following steps:

1) If you have not done before, travel there as a tourist (if economically feasible) to get to know the country a little bit

2) If you are from one of the countries that have a working holiday agreement with Japan, try to live there for half a year or a year to get to know the country from the resident's point of view

3) If possible, try to do an exchange year with a Japanese university while working on your university degree.

4) Improve your personal and professional connections in Japan while completing your university degree in your home country (or if your Japanese language skills are good enough: in Japan).

5) With your university degree, try to find a job in Japan (language teaching is a relatively easy entry point for native English speakers)

6) Live in Japan for about ten years, while contributing positively to Japanese society.

7) Apply for Japanese citizenship

Also, assume the realistic bad-case scenario that any romantic relations you have at age 17 will not evolve into marriage.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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