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Medical Masks 2010/4/5 23:38
Are the wearers of these masks attempting to prevent the flu, or is there more to it?
by Neandergal (guest)  

pollen 2010/4/6 09:27
While some people may be sick (and are wearing masks to protect you from their germs), most people are probably wearing masks to help with their pollen allergies (kafunsho) which starts up around now.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

. 2010/4/6 09:51
Many Japanese people suffer from hay fever, usually in the spring time you see more people wearing masks. Also sick people wear masks to prevent the spread, also others wear it for general protection for flu or any other airborne diseases that might be out there.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/4/6 09:54
Another reason to wear the mask is to keep the breath warm and moist for oneself.
During winter time, the air is very dry in most of the Pacific ocean side areas, and moistend air helps to prevent infection to a certain level.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2010/4/6 10:41
"Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned by acid or something? 2)Oh no. It's just they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.h
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

hayfever 2010/4/6 15:50
At this time of year, most people wearing a mask will be trying to reduce hayfever symptoms. A certain percentage of them will have a cold now and wish to avoid giving it to other people, and a smaller percentage is slightly paranoid about catching a cold or the flu so they wear masks.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

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