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no gpa require for college/uni in jaoan 2010/4/9 00:24
i was wondering if there is any colleges in nagoya or around nagoya or some where near that dont requiere or look at the gpa or are not concern, because i work try to help my mom to support the family and she is a single parent so she cant pay for the bills, so i help her around the house, and my gpa is not that great and after im done with HS i was thinking of going to japan and study there. if you know any information please help me

ps also if you know any information for loans or/and scholarships to japan post here, it well help me alot thanks
by charlotteyi309  

GPA is for the US 2010/4/10 09:10
Your GPAs are meaningless for entering universities in Japan other than the very expensive US universities like Temple. For Japanese universities you will most likely need to pass their entrance examinations in Japanese to get in, which plenty of Japanese people have trouble doing- how are your Japanese skills? You could study at a Japanese school here on a student visa, but that is not cheap.

You will not get a loan in Japan, and scholarships are usually based on academic merit. You also need to show you have enough money to live on for at least 6 months to be eligible for a student visa. Currently your plan is looking pretty unrealistic I'm afraid.
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