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Jr or senior high school exhcange? 2010/4/10 01:38
For me, graduating with my class isn't that much of an issue, really i don't care. However, I'm not sure what the japanese equivalent is for a senior in american high school...does that make sense?

I'm definatley going to Japan, no doubt. Just what year would be best? And if i graduate from a japanese high school, does that count?

I'm in excelerated cources so technically i could graduate a year early, making credit transfer not a problem since itll only be a gym course and something else.

I'm sorry if this is confusing, but i appreciate any help. PLEASE HELP ME
by soccerlove  

... 2010/4/12 19:59
I think the exchange programs are with "senior high" (10th to 12th grades) as against junior high/middle schools (7th to 9th grades).

When Japanese students go on an exchange program for one full year during senior high (as against a short one month-long summer program, for example), they normally come back and then repeat the same year, because the way the classes are organized are completely different between US and Japan. I don't think any "credit" from a Japanese high school can be converted into an American school's. First it would take tremendous efforts on your part when you come to keep up with the classes conducted in the Japanese language, which can be tough though it's part of the "exchange." It might simply be easier to ask your school (senior high) about the exchange programs they may have :)
by AK rate this post as useful

Well.. 2010/5/9 01:25
If your school is like mine, then they don't give credits for being an exchange student. This means that if I want to go away for a whole year, I would need to make up the year that I missed and not graduate with my class. If this thought bothers you, then take some extra classes if you need to in order to get some more credits, that way you'll have enough. Also, look for organizations or sponsers, or if possible, talk to some exchange students at your school. Some of them wait til after they graduate before they become an exchange student.
by Renea Chan rate this post as useful

clearing confusion 2010/6/11 02:55
By jr vs. senior year travel, I mean my junior year of high school or my senior year of high school(:
by soccerlove rate this post as useful

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