Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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"gorogoro" (not the usual sense) 2010/4/14 02:17
1. A manga artist is describing a rejected plotline using short, abrupt notes.

[character] の扱いを社長などといった具体的な感じで浮キ。

I understand the component words just fine, but I can't make out the sentence. "We handle [character] with a realistic/specific feel - [introduce] how he's president of a company, etc."

2. The artist is talking about a character she's dressed in long Arabian-type robes, wraps, and headpieces.


"Even though he's all [gorogoro] bundled up, he looks cool, doesn't he..." I'm familiar with the rolling/lolling about usages of "gorogoro" but not this one. Is the winding action of bundling oneself up with fabric akin to the similar circular action of rolling rocks or something? (I was under the impression that "gorogoro" referred to the sound of rolling, though...)

Many thanks for any help.
by Blenheim (guest)  

. 2010/4/14 13:45
[character] の扱いを社長などといった具体的な感じで浮キ。= express(show) [character] someone definite (tangible) like the president of a company or something.
It is unusual to use "gorogoro" for this but used as one after another, thundering after thundering, etc. It must be a scene to see passionately dressing up one layer after another..
It is cool (someone)to have a habit of putting on clothes one layer after another.
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

Just to add 2010/4/14 19:20

It says "her habit of dressing up bundled (in layers) is cool..." This "kuse" means "a habit/custom." If it says ".... kuse NI," then it would have been "even though...."

It's not an usual way to use this word "gorogoro,! but from the context I imagine that it describes just the dressing up in layers looking like a puffed up/blown up, round shape.
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2010/4/14 22:03
Thanks very much.
by Blenheim (guest) rate this post as useful

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