Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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asking this question 2010/4/21 01:57
If I want to ask this question to someone:

If you had to change your position in the band, what position would you choose?

- As in talking about a band they are in, and wondering what they would do if they had to play a different instrument than they do now.

I have no idea how to put together this sentence, I first thought "何を選びますか?" for the last part, but I want to clarify the question a bit more..
by JenJen89  

. 2010/4/21 08:05
The question to ask would be "もしほかの楽器(がっき)を選択(せんたく)できるなら(or するなら)、どれを選びますか?"
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/4/21 10:47


Moshimo (onaji bando de) paato o kaerutoshitara nani o tantou shitai desuka?

- Please omit ( ) contents if you don't mean "within the same band." Also, I'm assuming you don't necessarily mean "instrument," because you're supposed to have the option to become a singer.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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