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Can this be said? 2010/4/30 05:43
Hi again.


Is this correct? It doesn't feel right to me..
What I want to have said is something like
"I think you're good at singing/your singing voice is nice, and you're good at guitar aswell"
well, yeah. I think you understand what I mean. I also sometimes mix up the polite way of saying things with the more casual way, help?
ps. this doesn't have to be said in an overly polite way, though I would be thankful to see both versions and the differences!
by JenJen89  

. 2010/4/30 13:29
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/4/30 14:18
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

this can be said this way 2010/5/1 15:07
----xxxさんは、歌もうまいし(いい声してるし)、ギターもうまいね。---------'re good at guitar aswell"----


by umi (guest) rate this post as useful

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