Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Visa type change. 2010/5/4 02:05
It is my first time in this website, so I want to say ''Hi'' to all!

This is my question.

I will arrive in Japan in summer with a culture-student visa, in order to improve my japanese. Since I am also waiting selection results for a post-doctorate work in a japanese university, I am curious to know (in the case I will win that selection) if I will be able to change my visa type (from student to researcher).

Is it possible?

by Kudamono (guest)  

... 2010/5/4 10:32
Yes, if you have all the documents and prerequisites for the researcher visa, I think you should be able to apply for a change of your status of stay within Japan at an immigration bureau.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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