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Study to then live in Japan ? 2010/5/21 02:06
Hello my names Sebastian and i'm 19 yrs. old, I am in the process of getting my GED and I want to go to college in Japan. Ive always wanted to go to Japan and stay there for a while maybe even live there, what i want to do is either become a teacher and teach over there or Computer Graphics Design. My question is what would i need to actually go there and what college would be good for me over in Japan. I'm not perfect with my reading and writing (so far up to Hiragana and some Katakana) but I can study more of it. Is it a good plan or am i being a little naive ?
by Sebastian (guest)  

Ok this is the deal 2010/5/23 02:18
There are some American college in Japan.

Sophia, Temple University, etc. You can take classes in english, while studying Japanese as well.

As for going to a Japanese university, You can go to Waseda University... I think you need to take some tests though.. and see how smart you are. lol. But you can be a international student and take your curriculum in english.

You should take a ACT or SAT. I think it's required for the American univesities.

Or, you can go to a Japanese language school. Some sponsor your student visa. You would student there for 1 year and a half, or 2 years, for the "Pre-college student visa," and your curriculum would be like high intensive "College Prepatory" and they teach you everthing you need to know, Language, science, math, things like that so that you can take entrance exams for a Japanese university and take classes in Japanese.

Some language school require you have a gurantor in Japan. I know one that doesn't require that if you are a U.S. citizen.

As for the colleges/universities, they will want to see how much money you have in the bank, in order to sponsor your visa. And you might need a gurantor as well, either in your home country or Japan.

They dont want anybody coming over who's not gonna make it or can't support themselves...
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

One more thing 2010/5/23 02:26
As for computer graphics and design... you could go to Japanese trade school for that as well.

So then I recommend you take the college prepatory courses in a language school here. Get some fluent Japanese language ability, then you can search for all the schools and things while you're here, and look at the Japanese pages for the different schools.

After you have Japanese degree, it shouldn't be hard to find a job and have some one sponsor your work visa, you'll change your student status. You will have competition from other Japanese students/graduates of course.
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

Gah, part 3. lol 2010/5/23 02:37
Either way,

You need a degree to get the work visa or like 10 years experience in the field without the degree.

Also in Language school, you don't have to take "college prepatory," it can Japanese could be regular Japanese courses or high intensive language courses, no need for the math and science thing. But maybe collge prep is better, so that you can refresh your memory and learn different vocabularies and things in japanese.

Ok, I think I'm done with the train of thought now.
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

Wow 2010/5/24 16:41
So basically what I want isn't impossible but just a very long road, now so that is the studying and everything so what of the way of life for a university student that would be in my position would my expenses be omg why did I do this high or would I be ok with some saving up here to then change it to yen ?
by Sebastian (guest) rate this post as useful

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