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REI in Tokyo?
2010/5/21 21:37
Hello I read somewhere that there is an REI (Recreational Equipment Inc) Store somewhere in Tokyo. I was wondering if anyone had any information on it's where abouts, and if it carries the same brand's as the stores in the U.S?
If so can someone please let me know their website.
Thanks, Kevin
by matherk89
There used to be an REI in Tokyo but it closed down nearly 10 years ago, but you can still order from them over the internet and have it shipped to Japan. I usually check out L-Breath in Shinjuku for camping stuff but its considerably more expensive, so I'll go home and order online once I find what I'm looking for.
by yllwsmrf
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Hey thanks yllwsmrf, that clears up alot of confusion i was having. I wonder why they shut down not even 10 years after opening. Thanks again, Kevin
by matherk89
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