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Sleeping pills over the counter 2010/5/24 03:50

I've been having real trouble sleeping for a long time and only have 1 Nytol that was brought over to me from the UK.

I need something more and was wondering whether sleeping pills were available over the counter in Japan (like in the UK) or whether you need a prescription for them.

I'm not planning on using them to help me sleep all the time, so don't worry!
by selbydate16  

... 2010/5/24 12:31
I believe Drewell by SSS (SS Pharma) in Japan contains the same active ingredient as Nytol, and this is sold over the counter. Ask for "do-ri-e-ru" at a pharmacy counter.
by AK rate this post as useful

Whoops 2010/5/24 18:04
Actually Nytol seems to be a regular over-the-counter sleep inducer, though there might be a limit on how many you can buy in a certain period of time, and the pharmacists would have to explain the usage to the buyer. Ask for "na-i-to-ru."

"Drewell by SSS (SS Pharma)" in my earlier post was supposed to be "Drewell by SSP (SS Pharma). Sorry for the typo.
by AK rate this post as useful

Thanks 2010/5/25 20:08
Am I correct in assuming that sleepng pills can only be bought at a pharmachy in Japan, though?
by selbydate16 rate this post as useful

... 2010/5/25 22:08
You can't get them at convenience stores, if that's what you mean - you go to a drugstore/pharmacy, where there is at least one pharmacist :) You should be able to buy them there without any prescription from a doctor. Maybe you can show the empty package from the UK that you have, so as to show them you are familiar with it?
by AK rate this post as useful

Thanks, everyone! 2010/6/18 18:44
I got some Drewells yesterday along with some painkillers. So I'm good to go now ^_^
by selbydate16 rate this post as useful

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