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Translation 2010/6/2 06:04

I'm trying to read a newspaper article but I don't get what the title means exaclty...


I don't understand "‘S•§Θ荂"

Can somebody help me?

Thank you in advance !
by Yuzu (guest)  

Last kanji looks garbled 2010/6/2 12:57
I believe it should be:
­”NƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv‘S•§ΘŠͺ or ΘŒž

"Shonen Jump" is a name of weekly (monthly?) comic magazines for boys.
"zen futsu" is "all/across France," and ΘŒž or ΘŠͺ means "to dominate," or "to sweep (in terms of popularity)." So it's saying: "Shonen Jumps sweeps across France." I guess you are reading an article about this Jump magazine getting exhibited at Japan Expo in France??
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2010/6/2 14:05
You must have read
ΘŠͺ is read sekken.
DRAGON BALL anime is all over.
Japanese were taught good and bad by reading "Songoku" the main monkey character predating Dragon Ball.
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

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