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Translation to japanese 2010/6/3 00:09
- I dont want this love to turn into hate.
- The time has come for us to say "goodbye"
- Its a sunny and clear sky just made for our new beginning
- We both knew how this story would end.

In kana or romaji, not kanji.
Only native japanese speakers plz.
by Nanie C  

translation 2010/6/3 15:50
- I don't want this love to turn into hate.
この あい を にくしみ に かえたくないの
- The time has come for us to say ''goodbye''
「さよなら」を いうべき とき が きたわ
- Its a sunny and clear sky just made for our new beginning
わたしたちの あたらしい はじまり のために ひ が てり そら は すんだ
- We both knew how this story would end.
この ものがたり の けつまつ は ふたりとも が しっている

Is this a poem?
Sorry for poor translation.
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