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Random Kanji Question 2010/6/9 09:23
So I came across an item that gave this effect when attached to a weapon:


What exactly does 会心率 mean? According to my dictionary it means something like "Satisfaction/congeniality ratio increases" but that doesn't really make was from Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 2 (三国無双:Multi Raid 2 in Japan) if it helps any.
by Firedraco  

A game question, not really a kanji Q. 2010/6/9 10:21
For games, they use ''fancy'' names to give an dramatic/dynamic impression, but in this case it seems to mean the probability that the weapon can launch an attack that leads to a critical hit/gives major damage to the opponent :)
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2010/6/9 10:31
Ah! Thanks, I don't think I ever would have guessed that. XD
by Firedraco rate this post as useful

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