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Shopping for Hair Straighteners 2010/6/13 19:56
Hi, well the trip is drawing closer, and instead of going through all the bother of buying adaptors, and voltage converters etc etc, can any advise if it is easily accessible to buy Hair Straighteners in Tokyo, and where the best stores/prices to purchase then from? Many thanks in advance.
by CornishPride  

some stores 2010/6/17 13:18
Yamada Denki (''Labi'')
Bic Camera
Yodobashi Camera
Best Denki

These stores are dotted throughout Tokyo but the best place to me is Ikebukuro because two HUGE stores are located on the East Exit, Yamada Denki and Bic Camera.

As for prices, I saw one for $25 and another for almost $60.
Make sure you apply for a point card so you can get a discount.
by jmarkley rate this post as useful

Anywhere 2010/6/17 18:33
All those stores mentioned above are fine.

One thing to look out for is the voltage. There are models that work with both 110V and 220V, while others are good only with a transformer.
If the hair straightener requires a lot of Watts, the transformers for it could get pricey.
by AllYouCanJapan rate this post as useful

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